The compulsory pilotage areas in
Japan are broadly divided into two
i.e., the compulsory areas in ports
and those
in waters including channels, straits
adjacent port(s).
Category A |
- Vessels of foreign registry with gross tonnage
300 tons or more,
- Vessels of Japanese registry with gross tonnage
300 tons or above engaged in international
voyages or
- Vessels of Japanese registry with gross tonnage
1,000 tons or above engaged in domestic service.
- Vessels with gross tonnage 3,000 tons or
- Vessels carrying dangerous goods are the
same as (*).
- Kanmon (Berthing/Unberthing vessels)
- Vessels with gross tonnage 3,000 tons. Vessels
loaded with dangerous goods and Vessels entering/leaving
sections 1 - 4 of Wakamatsu are the same
as (*).
Waters Category B |
- Tokyo Bay (including Ports of Tokyo, Chiba
and Kisarazu)
- Ise-Mikawa Bay (including Ports of Nagoya,
Yokkaichi, Kinuura and Mikawa)
- Osaka Bay (including Ports of Kobe, Osaka,
Hannan and Akashi Strait)
- Bisanseto (including Port of Mizushima)
- Kurushima Strait
- Kanmon Channel (Passing vessels)
- Vessels with gross tonnage 10,000 tons or